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Full of Closet-Case Gays,That pretend to be Hetero.When in fact they have dark deep Homosexual tendencies.A small-town that hates flamboyant Gays.When in fact they are sheltered In-The-Closet Hicks/Preps.A very closed-minded town.These RedNecks hate Difference,and change.if you stand out Greenville Hates that shit with a passion!!!

G-Vegas,Greenville,Hick,RedNeck,Closet-Cases,Anti-Gay,Racist,and Dead-boring.

by The Castro District Queers January 16, 2009

15👍 69👎


Full of Closet-Case Gays,That pretend to be Hetero.When in fact they have dark deep Homosexual tendencies.A small-town that hates flamboyant Gays.When in fact they are sheltered In-The-Closet Hicks/Preps.A very closed-minded town.These RedNecks hate Difference,and change.if you stand out Greenville Hates that shit with a passion!!!

G-Vegas,Greenville,Hick,RedNeck,Closet-Cases,Anti-Gay,Racist,and Dead-boring.

by The Castro District Queers January 16, 2009

9👍 63👎


Full of Closet-Case Gays,That pretend to be Hetero.When in fact they have dark deep Homosexual tendencies.A small-town that hates flamboyant Gays.When in fact they are sheltered In-The-Closet Hicks/Preps.A very closed-minded town.These RedNecks hate Difference,and change.if you stand out Greenville Hates that shit with a passion!!!

G-Vegas,Greenville,Hick,RedNeck,Closet-Cases,Anti-Gay,Racist,and Dead-boring.

by The Castro District Queers January 16, 2009

8👍 63👎