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Suffering from the condition where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

Manager) I'm sorry sir your card has been declined
Customer) I didn't pay by card
Waitress) Here's your bill sir
Customer) I already paid in cash
Waitress 2) Here's your card sir, thank you, please come again
Customer) This is not my card, err....
Waitress 2) I think it is
Customer) Errr....
Manager) Are you ready to order now sir?
Waitress 3) Here's your fish sir, enjoy!
Customer) Ambidextrodysplasic bunch of cretins!

by The Celestial Architect June 7, 2014


Monoplomatic is a word rising from the dark web meaning obviously false diplomacy. Where someone might appear to be diplomatic on the surface but actually it it their own agenda that is being served.

Monoplomatic : I'm really sorry to hear your boyfriend dumped you, what a jerk. I would never do that to you. Let's go out for a drink, I'm buying.

by The Celestial Architect April 30, 2016


To be a consultant who is cut out of a sly commission deal when the client and service provider get together directly.

Consultant: I've finally found a provider that can service all your requirements and cut a volume deal for you too.
Client: Oh it's OK, we're talking to them directly now so we don't need your help, I'll try for a discount though, thanks.
Consultant: Bugger and shit, Jonged again.

by The Celestial Architect August 28, 2021