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Sweetheart Delight

The act of first picking up, then later sodomizing, your local homeless girl in exchange for an ice cream Sunday. And remember: a gentleman always returns her to her spot.

“Now that’s a sweetheart delight!” And by god, she was.

by The Dime Snatcher January 15, 2021

6👍 2👎

Okinawan Sunrise

An advanced bedroom maneuver requiring exceptional planning, superhuman timing, and great aim. First, one must engage in Coitus. When completion is being neared, one must rip out and quickly ejaculate on their sexual partner’s eyes. Then, they must rinse the semen off with battery acid, which will have been strategically stored beforehand. To finish, a quick urinary rinse, to neutralize the acid.

Greg: “Man, I heard Becky got an Okinawan Sunrise.”

Old man Bert: “I gave one of those to someone back in the war.”

by The Dime Snatcher January 15, 2021

9👍 2👎

The Most Dangerous Game

The act of carefully halting one’s own defecation cycle for anywhere from 12 to 72 hours so that one may experience prostate stimulation upon self completion.

Kilroy: “Yo I heard Chadlius has been playing the most dangerous game recently.”

Jarturo: ”There are no winners at the end of that one. God rest his hole.”

by The Dime Snatcher January 15, 2021