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A virtually religious and nearly unlimited submission by citizens to any decree or edict coming from the state.

I lived in DC until May 2021. This is legitimately one reason I decided I had to leave. Not just because I was forced to wear a mask รขย€ย” but because most of my neighbors were into Statanism to such a high degree that they ENJOYED being forced to wear masks. This compliance and state worship with these mandates and restrictions which infringe greatly on basic human rights, bodily functions, or major life activities such as working for a living, going to school, breathing, or the right to choose or not choose to become part of an experimental medical product is very dark.

by The Florida Populist November 7, 2021

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An overemphasis on the amount of positive results of those infected , who may not even be contagious or have an infective viral load ; in order to deter from the fact that the infection is either weakening, or has depleted susceptibles , or that population herd immunity has been achieved as evidenced by the steadily declining hospitalization and death rates for such illness.

See how they are creating the Casedemic ? They are setting PCR tests at high Cycle Thresholds , like 37-40 Ct, which pick up dead nucleotides of a virus on someone who isn't really sick or contagious, but they'll still mark as a positive because the test picked up dead genetic fragments of that previous infection. This is generating tons of "case positives", but of people who aren't really dangerous to public health.

by The Florida Populist November 3, 2020

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An Acronym for

(L)ockdown Lunatics'


In which the one executing such will never admit that non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masks and lockdowns were ineffective and dangerous , but will continue to "double down on stupid", such as advocating double masks, more lockdowns, and other destructive interventions that have been proven not to work according to empirical data and randomized control trials.

Wow, look at the ANAL SLOP Karen spews. Rather than admit lockdowns and masks were a huge mistake, regardless of the evidence against them, she continues to advocate for even stricter infringements regardless of the extensive damage done. It must've been nice for her while her husband made a full paycheck on his zoom calls with her kids still getting in person tutoring.

by The Florida Populist May 5, 2021

Lockdown Deaths

Excess Mortality above the average due to joblessness, homelessness, loss of business , and the like caused by Lockdowns.

So many have died due to Lockdown Deaths , the excess deaths are off the charts with Drug overdose, suicide, Alzheimer's patients dying of despair in nursing homes because their families aren't visiting them. Deaths from heart attacks, cancer & other illnesses because people are not getting timely heath care from doctors & hospitals, all due to halted care for non-COVID patients

by The Florida Populist November 2, 2020

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