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Yam Bag

When a male’s genitalia are visible through his pants. Not in the sense that they are see through though. In the sense that you can see the mass of the penis and ballsack, the best yam bags are just lumps of mass that one cannot discern penis from balls

Biff has a raging Yam Bag in his Adidas sweatpants.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin September 2, 2019

130👍 5👎

Ravioli Mode

When a friend of your is insatiable in both appetite and wanting to hangout and will not take no for an answer.

Des was in pure Ravioli Mode when he persuaded Will to get sushi yet again.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin February 10, 2020

Dragon's Den

When you sneak up under water between your friend's legs and blow bubbles up into their nuts.

Will genuinely approves of getting a healthy dose of the Dragon's Den.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin April 21, 2021

Now Look

A phenomena that makes anything funnier. If you are talking about a person or a thing and then say, "Now Look", without fail the thing or person will be even funnier than you once thought.

"The uncles are going off right now"
"Hahaha now look"

by The Gosh Dang Bruin February 10, 2020

12👍 1👎


When you are very fucked up but trying to pass it off as just being a little fucked up.

"Are You drunk?"
I am a Smuxtinin drunk.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin April 21, 2021

Lion’s Cocking

When your beer is at the halfway point in the glass or can, and you can’t seem to drink any more. Originates from the Modelo can which pictures a lion, a lion whose cock is about at the halfway mark of the drink.

Andy has been Lion’s Cocking for like an hour now.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin July 17, 2019

5👍 1👎


Upper Pubic Area. People say FUPA, it's high time we start saying UPA for those with normal amounts of upper pubic cellulose.

Woah, check out that girl's UPA!

by The Gosh Dang Bruin May 3, 2021

97👍 1👎