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Blonde Skinnies

Former high school track runners who happen to be blonde. They have a rapid metabolism that operates based off of pure stupidity. They enjoy American cuisine. Farting through thin sweatpants is a large part of their repertoire.

Those hyper blonde skinnies have such low IQs.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin October 27, 2018

Ass Grapes

When a male tucks his genetalia behind his legs to make himself look barren from the front, but when you view him from the back it appears his ass has a bunch of grapes hanging from it because the penis and balls have been suffocated between the legs.

Joe gives himself ass grapes just like Buffalo Bill did in "Silence of the Lambs."

by The Gosh Dang Bruin April 24, 2019

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Letting A Grill Rock

The courageous act of not taking any real action. Allowing things to develop naturally and accepting whatever consequences that may follow. Those who let grills rock are incredible human beings.

That biker at the Dead & Co. Concert was not only letting a grill rock, he was allowing his grill to napalm itself!

by The Gosh Dang Bruin October 29, 2018

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Synonym to the word รขย€ยœnothing.รขย€ย To be used when complaining about someone.

He sucks! He does YIMP at work!

by The Gosh Dang Bruin July 26, 2019

The Charts Theorem

The scientifically proven process of justifying any sound made in the world is truly "charts" masquerading as another sound. In other words every sound is actually the word "charts".

A hard slap of the face sounds just like CHART (according to the Charts Theorem).

by The Gosh Dang Bruin October 27, 2018

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A Hey Guy

When someone is of upstanding character and deserves more than "they are nice."

Pete is such a hey guy.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin February 10, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rather Having

The act of taking one option over the other without real regard for what the mainstream would consider sound logic, making this act bold and brave. Rather Having is not to be confused with preferring something, which any loser can do.

Circa 2009 one would prefer Dwight Howard to Ronny Turiaf, but a brave soul would be rather having Ronny.

by The Gosh Dang Bruin October 29, 2018

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