Source Code


A less offensive form of the cuss-word fuck, typically used without reference to coitus.

Oh, man, you really got phucked.

by The Grammar Nazi October 18, 2001

20πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


v. past: To have your computer compromised; to have an attacker gain unauthorized root access.

"Your box got rooted!? Fuck a duck!"

by The Grammar Nazi June 7, 2001

87πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


French for 'uncle'

My bum-bum is sore

by The Grammar Nazi September 5, 2003

13πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

pillow talk

n. The conversation that happens after making out/sex. It's infinitely better than normal conversation because there's touching involved.

During pillow talk I asked him about his family.

by The Grammar Nazi June 12, 2002

2803πŸ‘ 901πŸ‘Ž


n. Short for cyber sex.

So you really like him, huh? Have you two cybered yet?

by The Grammar Nazi January 14, 2002

226πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


Int. "Leave my seat!"

From the sled dog command to start moving.

I called shotgun first! Mush!

by The Grammar Nazi October 17, 2001

9πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Short for "point taken." An admission that someone has made a valid statement, despite the fact that you are arguing the other side.

Person 1: "But George W. has big ears."
Person 2: "Point."

by The Grammar Nazi December 14, 2001

67πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž