Originally a character in John Green's novel, "An Abundance of Katherines". His discription is one of a fat, lazy muslim.
In reality, he is a man whoes real name is Neal, and who frankly may or may not be mentally handicapped. He looks just how John Green describes him. But who decides to ask out girls, and telling them that their in love with them, after one shaky conversation. He is sortof a man of Edward Cullen's stature, only a little less creepy. If thats possible. ew.
hasaan: hey can i talk to you for a minute?
innocent girl: yea! sure, whats up Neal?
hassan: im in love with you, wanna go out and bang each other without meaning, just so i can get my dick wet? oh and im staying at home, instead of going to collage.
innocent girl: your a fat lazy muslim who looks like that Hassan character, from one of John Green's books. what do you think? But sure, lets go do it, ;)
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