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One of the most intelligent teenage groups around at the moment (save nerds and geeks) and are despised by Chavs for this. You can be called a Greebo for the rest of your life simply for disliking a singular Chav, because Chavs cannot distinguish between Greebos and other people. However in the main Greebos have long hair (unlike popular belief we do wash it) and tend to like decent music, rather that Chav hip hop and rap and pop and crap like that, we listen to anything that is of interest, not neccaserily Metal. Anything from REM to full on death metal entertains us, and we especially like music that has a meaning. We do not generally try to dissasociate with the main, just Chavs, so no burberry trackies. We dislike Chavs but just try to keep a distance. However they then beat the shitt into you for being a wuss and not fighting with them.

Chav: Hey bro, there be a Greebo, lets fukin' kick 'im in like, proper gangsta like.

(About 20 chavs surround 1 or 2 Greebos)

Chav: Wat the fuk r u doin Greebo.

Greebo: Sitting down trying to ignore the burbery shit that just landed nearby.

Chavs: Ahh fuk off bruv, u is dissin our style, u fukkin' greeb

Greebo: Yes, yes i am.

Chavs: AHHH, wat is he sayin', i'm confused by single syllables, ohh no!!!

(Chavs run away like schoolgirls)

(Greebo smirks to himself, having won another battle without getting up)

by The Greebo January 10, 2007

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