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Pronunciation-(n) {bee-ten-chez}
An elite group of ten females who walk like they own the place (because they do), don't take shit from upperclassmen (aka the alliance), are classy UNLIKE the underclassmen, considered royalty in other states (aka cc), and throw b10tch themed parties. They're not here to judge... each other... but are always available to put you in your place. (Often mistaken for an SHS version of the crew.)

Bein' the real seniors since '06.

-Ok fine, but don't judge me.
-I'm going to. Because I'm part of the B-tenches and that's what we do. Judge.

by The Grew February 8, 2009

11👍 3👎

the grew

Origin; the joining of the "crew", and the "gang".
(n) {gru}
A low class male version of the b10tches. Attitudes often resemble that of a women. Act as though they can't stand the b10s, however, in reality would be completely worthless without them. Group members are not as set in stone as the b10tches and may include second-string individuals. (aka jr foster)

rivalries include: the bros, the "rexi" jocks, and the b10tches.

-hey is the grew going to be at the party tonight?
-i hope not, the b10tches are coming and thats just too many girls!

by The Grew February 8, 2009

23👍 6👎