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Mike Green

NHL player (Washington Caps).

Dan Aykroyd's hockey playing twin. Both are Canadian, look/are overweight and have a receding hairline.

The second most unattractive player for the Washington Caps. His girlfriend's name is Gr8. She eats children and small furry animals.

Drives a car designed by douchebags for douchebags.

Mike Green: My name is Mike Lambor-Green-hi!!! Ain't I clever, eh?

Gr8: ARghvgqliwbvü098r0z8vgob048tr9^74tz873gtf87u
Play hard I Crosby no good I better I dum dum dum I Stanley Cup I in Brooksy ass I liiiiike it warm

by The Happy Humanist February 13, 2010

22πŸ‘ 1155πŸ‘Ž

anal sex

Anal sex is a sexual practice which is sexually appealing to only 1% of American women according to the most comprehensive survey by the Social Organization of Sexuality.

(Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, Stuart Michaels. The social organization
of sexuality: Sexual practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.)

The elderly porn addicts and 11-year-old boys who experience their first outbreak of acne and have commented on anal sex so far may find it difficult to differentiate between actual behavior and the sexual world portrayed in pornography.

While anal sex appears in 55.9% of all scenes in best-selling pornography -- see Robert Wosnitzer et al., 2006, "Aggression and Sexual Behavior in Best-Selling Pornography: A Content Analysis"-- and the woman is shown to "enjoy" it, it is important to understand that if they are every lucky enough to have consensual sex with a real woman chances are she will beat them to a bloody pulp if they ever try to manipulate her into letting them penetrate her anus.

by The Happy Humanist July 28, 2010

98πŸ‘ 1280πŸ‘Ž

female brain

The center of the nervous system in all female vertebrate animals.

The human female encephalon is a powerful tool which is responsible for the fact that women have been outperforming men at all stages of secondary and post-secondary education (i.e., "high school" and "college") in all G8 and OECD countries (e.g., PISA 2001).

In their fixation on size, the vast majority of males try to justify their unfounded feelings of superiority by comparing brain sizes.

However, it takes more than a Second Grade education to know that it is the ratio of brain weight to body weight which presents a correlation to intelligence rather than the brain weight itself. Ergo: Men's bodies are proportionately larger and hence so are their brains, hands, feet, arms, etc. But it is the ratio of brain weight and body weight which may or may not predict intelligence, not brain weight.

Moreover, while the human male brain is larger on average, the processing centers in the human female brain are more closely interconnected due to a larger corpus callosum.

If the other definition of "female brain" is indicative of men's intelligence, men deserve all the help from educated women they can get.

by The Happy Humanist August 10, 2010

722πŸ‘ 4914πŸ‘Ž


A male human (?) who comes to UD to write "a woman must obey the three C's: Cooking, Cleaning, Sucking"* but still gets VERY upset when you call them primordial beasts, porn-crazed cavemen and uncivilized Neanderthals.

His usual response is to go to the woman section and write "useless skin around the vagina" for the hundredth time.


* Btw, I know that sucking starts with S but a man on UD doesn't. So for him "cooking, cleaning and sucking" is the "three C's".

Man (actual quotes!): "A woman is the workhorse of the dominant class. They are only there to serve men. They are mobile dishwashers and objects, not people. They deserve to be slammed and beaten. Women should be eradicated!"

Woman: Lollololololololololol!!! The men of UD Uhuhuhu *making monkey noises* Hey Cavemen, who let you out of the zoo?

by The Happy Humanist February 17, 2010

4333πŸ‘ 9084πŸ‘Ž


A twisted creature that hates women but still wants to fuck them.

90 percent of the definitions on "woman" are:

"useless stuff around the vagina",

"useful for three things - cooking, cleaning and sucking", and

"mobile sperm bank and dishwasher".

You are not terribly smart, are you, boys?

by The Happy Humanist April 20, 2010

3613πŸ‘ 8567πŸ‘Ž


A person who hates women (5% being the exception).

For evidence see what "men" posted about women on urbandictionary.com (and they repeat it over and over again because they are really clever lads):

"A woman is the useless stuff around a vagina"
"A woman is an object - not unlike a toaster"
"A woman is the inferior sex"
"A woman is a cunt who deserves to be slammed and beaten"
"A superficial money-grabbing creature of hate"
"A woman is Satan's work to torture innocent perfect men"
"A woman is useful for three things - cooking, cleaning and sucking"
"A woman should be raped and beaten"
"A woman is only there to serve the dominant class, like a slave"

It's men like you who prove that radical irrational misogyny is real (even in the West). You are the poster boys for feminism and abortion. Thank you for being so outspoken and honest behind your computer.

Do not be surprised when women start strapping explosives to their bodies and come visit you in your natural habitats.

ETERNAL SHAME on you. Eternal shame, you self-appointed schlong master class.

Man hates woman as evidenced on urbandictionary.com.

by The Happy Humanist February 13, 2010

1740πŸ‘ 6683πŸ‘Ž


The ultimate source of all EVIL

Men cause war
Men cause pain
Men hate women
Men hate everyone who's different
Men are obsolete
Man will destroy the world

by The Happy Humanist January 26, 2010

1736πŸ‘ 6692πŸ‘Ž