A disturbed man who walks into a schoolhouse, orders all boys to leave, and then starts killing the girls (aged 6-13). He forces the remaining girls to line up against the blackboard, where he ties their feet together. He then methodically executes all girls with a shot to the head.
See Amish school shooting, Colorado Middle School shooting, ΓΒcole Polytechnique massacre, and many others around the world.
An Anti-Feminist hates women and wants to kill them.
Burn in hell antifeminist scum.
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"MRA" means "men's rights activist."
An MRA is a white man who insists against all evidence and decency that white men are oppressed and than women and minorities are "revered and privileged."
An MRA would never support the rights of those men who truly are at a disadvantage in our society: homosexual and black men. Instead, he leaves campaigning for LGBT rights and minorities' rights to the "evil evil cunt bull dykes" aka feminists.
An MRA sits on a huge pile of white and male privilege and keeps whining that he is oppressed.
An MRA loves Pat Robertson and Bill O'Reilly, thinks that Fox news is the one and only reliable delivery mechanism for news, is a psychotic bible thumper who believes that women were made from "Adam's rib," wanks to Rush Limbaugh, supports the religious right, and has never finished high school.
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The term "MRA" stand for "men's rights activists."
It is a backlash group against women's rights and feminism. Other backlash groups include the KKK and "white pride" who wish to reverse the rights of blacks by arguing that white people are oppressed. Similarly, MRAs want to abolish women's rights by lying that men are oppressed. Also, groups like KKK have been known to support violence against blacks, and MRAs are known for their support of violence against women. Both groups argue that blacks and women should stop "whining" and that racism/misogyny are not real.
An MRA will tell you how much "man-hate" there is in modern society while he insists
- that women should make him a sammich and then suck his puny genitals,
- that it is justified that women earn less than men of comparable qualification, age, education, tenure, and occupation,
- that violence against women is no biggie and women "cry" rape anyway,
- that the porn industry is all about "female empowerment," and
- that women are inferior because ... the Bible said so, Shakespeare, Moore, Hemingway, his uneducated daddy, his baseball coach, the media, and 99% of male internet users.
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= Men Run Amok
The most screaming announcement of insecurity and masculine shortcomings short of two pit bulls in a lifted 4x4 truck with a "No Fear" sticker on the window.
They never live up to the Γ’ΒΒno fearΓ’ΒΒ slogan though.
An MRA is always suffering from Little ManΓ’ΒΒs Complex.
Hates women because they wouldnΓ’ΒΒt give him the time of day.
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"femtard" = "feminist retard"
A term created by men who habitually confuse their "brain" with their anus.
Feminism is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" (Merriam Webster Dictionary).
However, this is not quite grasped by those who insist against all logic and decency that feminism is the "singular most ridiculous ideology to ever be contrived by the human mind." Those depraved men demand that the "feminist retards" who fight for the equality of the sexes be sent to reeducation camps. They also argue that it is white men who are "oppressed" while women and minorities are "privileged."
Since these men never finished high school it is no surprise that their ruminations are too moronic for anyone without brain damage.
1.) Feminists fight for the rights of those who are and always have been systematically disadvantaged: women, ethnic minorities, and LGBT people.
2.) There are and never have been "superior rights" for women. In fact, in the US, women have been recognized as actual human beings and granted essential human rights like right to vote, own property, and receive an education only in the 19th and 20th century.
3.) Feminists are very well aware of the fact that there are physical differences between women and men (e.g., physical strength, child bearing ability, etc.).
4.) According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (1999, 2004) 99% of rapists are men, 90% of murderers are men and the vast majority of perpetrators of gender violence are men. According to the FBI (1995, Uniform crime reports) "unfounded reports of rape are rare, occurring only 2-8% of the time."
5.) According to the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV, 2000) and any biology book, men are not only more aggressive than women but also more anti-social, sadistic, and narcissistic.
6.) Women are "strong" enough to lead countries AND avoid starting wars.
7.) Normal people (e.g., feminists) will not object to "bikini calenders" at work if employers makes sure to provide just as many "naked men calenders" at work.
Anyone who is too obtuse to grasp this and uses the word "femtard" should go back to cuddling his momma's underwear and begin thinking of ways to SHOW those mean women.
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People who write "a woman must bey the three C's: Cooking, Cleaning, Sucking" but still get very upset when you call them primordial beasts, porn-crazed cavemen and uncivilized Neanderthals
Men: Women are there to serve men. They are mobile dishwashers and sex slaves! They deserve to be slammed and beaten"
Women: Lollololololololololol!!! The men of UD Uhuhuhu *making monkey noises* Hey Cavemen, who let you out of the zoo?
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Men: those of the human species who produce the Y chromosone in reproduction.
Commonly known as: Sexist, Egotistical, Self-centred, Machoistic, Hypocritical (abbreviated list)
Statistics: Each man progresses through several phases, most of which he never grows out of.
1. Showing off; due to the compulsive need to bolster their ego's, males show of and compete with the intention of proving themselves better than every one else.
2. Arrogance; mistakenly believing that they are the superior sex, when it is woman who bring them into the world and nurture them. Looking down their nose with contempt at those who may not have the beliefs, values, or materialistic perks that they have.
3. Sexism; forgetting that they originally started off as females.
Evidence: males have nipples when they have no need for them, however, a fetus that MAY develop into a female WOULD need them. IT has alos been scientificcally proven.
4. Nymphomaniac; regardless of what they actually think personally, they project an image to the world that all they are after is sex, thus creating the stereotypical view of men, which has been proven true considering that they think about sex on an average of 400 times a day.
At some point in their life, all males are COMPLETE and UTTER jerks. Granted, women are often bitches at some point, but men do it far more often, are FAR more aggressive, and every war ever started and kept going has been cause buy a man.
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