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A wonderful ideology that depraved misogynists love to hate.

Feminism is

"the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" --- merriam webster dictionary

Those who oppose feminism by default agree with misogyny and sexism (see other definitions of feminism)

by The Happy Humanist April 20, 2010

7845👍 14738👎


A person who is feared and hence defamed and discredited by jocks, frat boys and men of inferior intelligence and/or sexual prowess.

Bob the III: Dude, did you see this chick at our frat party? Smokin hot, riiight?
Jim the IV: Yeah man, but she's a feminist... so let's be really, really clever and tell everyone that she's a dyke that never shaves!

by The Happy Humanist January 17, 2010

39819👍 44321👎


Kurt Cobain and John Lennon.

This isn't an opinion but a simple fact. They described themselves as proud feminists and challenged the traditional gender roles through their music. Do the research.

So everyone who gives this a thumb down can't read, is a fan of Pat Robertson and his hate speeches or simply enjoys spreading lies about an idea that is honorable through and through.

Kurt Cobain, the proto feminist: “... at the top of the food chain is still the white, corporate, macho, strong ox male. Not redeemable as far as I’m concerned. ... Sexism has to be blown wide open…but there are thousands of green minds, young gullable 15 year old boys out there just starting to fall into the grain of what they’ve been told of what a man is supposed to be ...”

Kurt Cobain: "Rape Me"

John Lennon: "Woman is the N****r of the World"

by The Happy Humanist February 9, 2010

2073👍 9033👎


A person who laughs hysterically at the penises who have the nerve to whine about the evil evil feminists while the penises are the ONLY REAL victims because - and get that - they are also discriminated against and actually have to open doors and go to war and those horrible objects called women - yeah, get that - really didn't have it that bad.

They were only defamed by every religious text, burnt as witches, robbed of their right to receive an education, vote and own property in a marriage up until the 19th century. 13 year old girls in Afghanistan are being married off to 60 year old abusers and dare complain. Yeah, the whimps.

Look here, strong men, we go to war, open the doors, and earn the money (all things we do anyway) and you bear the children.


Yeah, didn't think so.

Bobby Tom (IQ 27): Oh man, I hate those chicks ... those, what's the word ... feminists. They steal out thunder, man. We are the real victims. Dude, I took this chick on a date, Chuck E. Cheese, and I totatally had to pay the bill. I want equality!
Jason (IQ 120): You poor soul. But if you want real equality, that would mean that they have to pay the bill but we have to push living, breathing beings out of our bodies. Do you want that, Bobby Tom?

by The Happy Humanist January 17, 2010

1924👍 8882👎


A brilliant and brave person that depraved misogynists love to hate.

Feminism is

"the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" --- merriam webster dictionary

Those who oppose feminism by default agree with misogyny and sexism (see other definitions of feminism)

A feminist is the most honorable person around.

by The Happy Humanist April 28, 2010

1767👍 8787👎


A feminist is the bravest and most honourable person (man or woman) out there who has the guts to stand up to all the irrational, MANIC HATE that every single man on this site expresses toward women.

Please read the entries and you will realize how much women are hated by men and how much we need feminism. And you will be genuinely afraid. Who are these people?

Equality is more that being equal under the law. We will have true equality when
- men are encouraged to have a bikini wax twice a month (200 US Dollars), legs and armpits as well please
- men have to wear high heels that mutilate their feet and skirts and tiny tops
- men are told that they are worthless if they have wrinkles and therefore have to buy anti-aging products like there’s no tomorrow
- men will be ostracized severely if they wear the same piece of clothing twice
- beautiful men marry ugly women as frequently as beautiful women marry ugly men
- men take the last names of their wives as frequently as women do
- “pussy” and “cunt” are no longer used as insults
- men and women split the household chores and the “bringing up kids” duties evenly
- women no longer get paid less for the same work
- 95 % of domestic and sexual violence are no longer committed by men against women
- … The list could go on forever

There is no equality, not even in the Western world. If you are a fair person (man or woman) you will agree and try to make this world a better place for EVERYONE. Men and women.

Jason: I am a feminist.
Redeck #1: Boooooooo Hoooooooo Let's kill him, boys!!!!!
Nomal person: Wow Jason, you have balls to risk the wrath of every hick out there!

by The Happy Humanist February 8, 2010

1777👍 8933👎


Anal sex is a sexual practice which is sexually appealing to only 1% of American women according to the most comprehensive survey by the Social Organization of Sexuality.

(Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, Stuart Michaels. The social organization
of sexuality: Sexual practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.)

The elderly porn addicts and 11-year-old boys who experience their first outbreak of acne and have commented on anal sex so far may find it difficult to differentiate between actual behavior and the sexual world portrayed in pornography.

While anal sex appears in most scenes in pornography and the woman is shown to "enjoy" it, it is important to understand that if they are lucky enough to have consensual sex with a real woman chances are she will beat them to a bloody pulp if they ever try to manipulate her into letting them penetrate her anus. A sexual assault charge is another possibility.

by The Happy Humanist July 31, 2010

96👍 1202👎