The Eight-Legged Chinese Man is an Urban Legend that's been passed from Chief to Chief in local tribes, It is said to hunt down commoners who are new to both Sun and Moon Gooning Rituals, especially to the ones attempting the said ritual without a license. It is also believed to make galloping noises as it approaches it's prey. There isn't enough research collected about this bizarre creature in the Indonesian Archipelago.
Soup: What the hell is an Eight-Legged Chinese Man? I could probably chase it off with some of my Dip.
Doo: The "Man" you mentioned just now is a very dangerous and endangered creature, now if we're planning on doing some Gooning with the boys WE HAVE TO BE PREPARED.
It has the same definition as Moon Gooning but in a Lighter setting. Going outside, becoming one with nature as you masturbate repeatedly while looking at the sun. In some cases, It also involves drinking elk blood before the sun gooning ritual begins.
Soup: I'm more of a proud Sun Gooner, Sun Gooning in the Sun as you take in the scenery fills me up with pleasure and vitality
Doo: Moon Gooning is still better bruv and you still need a license for it.
Becoming one with nature itself by masturbating as you look up the moonlight and taking in the scenery
Doo: Me and the boys out here Moon Gooning with the Sounding Fathers.
yumi: You need a license for Moon Gooning with your local Tribe Leader.