Source Code

alarm cock

Also see: Dirt Rooster

When a male wakes up his partner in the morning by ramming them in the rear with his cock and screaming "Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Beyotch!"

Does not work so well on a sleeper with an unusually loose anus, in which case they will continue to sleep like a baby....well...a baby with a loose anus anyway.

Warning: Repeated use may invoke adverse reactions from sleeper; including but not limited to; a bat over the head followed by an emphatic "Cock-A-Doodle-Don't MuthaFucka!"

"That bitch kept hitting the snooze button, so I had to wake her up with the Alarm Cock!"

by The Hunter May 27, 2004

101πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

what the shit

Same as WTF? but now that I know it was used by Keanu in the Matrix, I will never say it again!!

What the shit?! As like, "What the shit is that about?"

by The Hunter May 27, 2004

11πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


The wonderful sound my butt makes when it is happy.

"Hey, did you hear that?"
"No, hear what?"
"(bending over)BRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPP! That was just my butt saying, 'Hello, nice to see you'!!"

by The Hunter May 28, 2004

134πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

Supa Doopa FUPA Troopa

Any man (or woman for that matter) that is brave enough to venture to the southern region of a woman with a protruding FUPA pouch.
One who is willing to search through the hills in order to find the valley.
One who goes down upon or has sex with a woman possessing a Fat Upper Pussy Area.
Also: Could be a woman who is willing to "set aside" the Fat Upper Penile Area of a man in search of providing him with oral pleasure.

Any of the above are considered to be Supa Doopa FUPA Troopas!

Bob: "Dude, Joe, I heard you went downtown on Sally, doesn't she have a bit of a pouch down there?"
Joe: "Yup, let's just say that last night I was a real Supa Dupa FUPA Troopa!"
Bob: "Damn, that's what I call warfare, you're such a good sport, Joe."

by The Hunter May 27, 2004

38πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

camel toe

Also known as "Beef Curtains" b/c the "Camel Toe" looks like Roast Beef and hangs like curtains on either side of the pants seam.

Hey Billy, I didn't know what was for dinner until your mom walked in with those Beef Curtains!! MMMMM...They sure were tasty!!

by The Hunter May 27, 2004

173πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

camel toe

Also known as "Moose Knuckles".

My gosh Sally....I really like what you've done with your Moose Knuckles!! They look great!

by The Hunter May 27, 2004

148πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

the shocker

2 in the curtain, 1 for the hurtin'
2 in the front, 1 in the shunt
2 in the fun, 1 in the bun
2 going down, 1 in the brown
2 in the Red, 1 in the Shed(if that time of the month)
2 for the gish, 1 for the fish
2 in the gash, 1 in the stash
2 for the crack, 1 in the back
2 in the slit, 1 in the shit
2 for the taco, 1 for her Paco
2 in the door, 1 on the floor
2 in the door, 1 in the gore
2 for the friend, 1 in the end
2 in the cunt, 1 in the runt
2 for the moose, 1 in the caboose
2 for the beav, 1 up her sleeve
2 for the meat, 1 in her seat
2 in the flap, 1 in the crap
2 in the gear, 1 in the rear
2 for the pumper, 1 for the dumper
2 for the tube, 1 with some lube
2 in the cunt, 1 in the grunt
2 in the sock, 1 for the shock
2 in the junk, 1 in the trunk
2 in the girl, 1 in the swirl
2 in the skunk, 1 in the funk
2 in the zipper, 1 in the flipper
2 in the place, 1 in the ace
2 in the cootie, 1 in the booty
2 in the porn, 1 for the corn
2 for the push (gush), 1 for the tush
2 in the pink slot, 1 in the stink pot
2 in the juice, 1 in the caboose
2 in the poon, 1 on the moon
2 up the river, 1 to make you shiver
2 in the hinge, 1 makes you cringe
2 from the hand, 1 for the gland
2 for the stabbin, 1 for the cabin
2 in the muff, 1 in the stuff
2 in the play, 1 in the gay
2 in the chute, 1 in the poot
2 for her, 1 for me!! Gross!!
2 in the pocket, 1 in the chocolate
2 for the Kitty, 1 in the Shitty
2 in the cherry, 1 in the fairy
2 for the team, 1 in the steam

And finally,...One of my personal favorites:

That's all I got for now.....

Being at work is so fun...Hope a few of those mad you laugh...or dry...or barf.

by The Hunter May 27, 2004

3680πŸ‘ 584πŸ‘Ž