An unmitigated fecal disaster. The magnitude of which casts doubt on the future of humanity
We all believed the damaged to be contained to a small area, but Rowanâs diaper was actually a poocalypse the likes of which god had never seen.
Occam's Safety Guard - contends that devising clever alternatives to the simplest solution can be safely avoided all together, as the result will inevitably be the same. It is, if you will, the scabbard with which Occam's Razor can be safely stored.
It is in a sense, it is the principle which destroys the dreaded, 'analysis to paralysis' dynamic.
The tedious nature of these meetings, in which we indulge every clever thought that comes out of someone's head, could be thwarted through the use of "Occam's Safety Guard".
Andrej should consider employing Occam's Safety Guard before he delves into the complexities of Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich creation.