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juicy fruits

Another term for a man's testicles.

That bitch just slapped me in my juicy fruits.

by The Joe 82 July 2, 2006

33👍 19👎

super pooper

Term used to describe a more than perfect ass.

That stripper's got one hell of a super pooper!

by The Joe 82 July 4, 2006

24👍 7👎

Ball clappin'

When two guys have sex with eachother by use of a dildo in each one, bent over, back to back, so that the force of them having sex will cause their scrotum's two swing against eachother, making a clapping sound.

Dude, me and Gary were ball clappin' last night like we was on PCP.

by The Joe 82 July 2, 2006

6👍 1👎

Teary brown eye

Term used to describe the condition when water backsplashes right on one's butthole after his/her turd has hit the water of the toilet.

"That turd was so heavy, it gave me a teary brown eye."

by The Joe 82 July 2, 2006

31👍 8👎