A male term for casually hanging out with a girlfriend and engaging in physical or sexual acts.
Martin: You going to see Rachel tonight?
Todd: Yeah, I'll be skankin' with my frau.
A serious psychological condition, when a male loses his virginity and now believes he is permanently and forever in love with that female.
Rachel: Max finally lost his virginity with Kylie and is now crazy in love with her.
Todd: Oh boy, he has "1st Lay Syndrome". We better arrange an intervention.
Jewish American Yinzer - a combination of a J.A.P. and a Yinzer (PIttsburgh reference)
Rachel: Todd, you're such a Jagoff for not taking me out to dinner for mussels and instead breaking up with me.
Todd: You are such a J.A.Y.!
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Tussled hair following sexual activity, that typically goes unnoticed during the activity, but seems more obvious afterwards.
Linda: I totally want you. Please take me!
Ace: You got it babe.
<sometime later>
Ace: Wow! Linda that was awesome, but you have some serious hag hair brewing.
Linda: Well, if I do, I suppose I have you to thank.
Tussled hair following sexual activity, that typically goes unnoticed during the activity, but seems more obvious afterwards.
Linda: I totally want you. Please take me!
Ace: You got it babe.
<sometime later>
Ace: Wow! Linda that was awesome, but you have some serious hag hair brewing.
Linda: Well, if I do, I suppose I have you to thank.
Ace: You really botched that bridge hand. Only a doofus would try and draw trump rather than play for the Spade-Diamond squeeze.
Linda Lu: ATSS
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