When you have just finished insulting or pissing someone off with something you say to them, this short phrase can be attached onto the end in order to tell them to "take it hard" and therefore adding more strength and power to the impact of the insult.
The gap in your teeth are so big, I don't know whether to smile back or kick a field goal! Feel it hard!
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A disabled and defenseless woman who is being murdered in the slowest and worst fashion. Now that she cannot legally have access to bodily nourishment from food, she will surely die because of the actions of Michael Schiavo and the liberal army at his back; UNLESS we take action very soon. A human has a right to life, and it's quite obvious that she is conscious and somewhat has an idea of what's going on around her. She is not braindead and worthless, except in the eyes of her scumbag, jackoff of a husband, and his left-wing cronies and judges supporting him. And just how do you Libs know that she wanted to die? There is NO written or recorded proof that she wanted to, and she did not tell Michael the Asshole Murderer anything she wanted to have done in this kind of situation.
To the person who claims that Terri's brains are mush, perhaps you should go get yourself a CAT scan.
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The sister state of Indiana and Ohio. We send our soldiers to war to kill all of the enemies because our troops are the best in America.
Kentuckians will kick your ass.
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This is two different things:
A comic strip that comes in a lot of Sunday newspapers.
And a term for somebody who's pathetic, just can't win, or never seems to do anything right.
I just cant pass any of my tests.....Im born to lose.
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1.) What a bull releases through defecation.
2.) The manner of talking nonsense and doing things to piss people off.
3.) To make false accusations and/or lie about what you or someone else is doing.
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People who are born and/or raised in the Northeast or the Midwest, with those people possessing qualities of a Northerner.
Yankees are usually found in and are from the following states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri.
The Mason-Dixon Line plays a very slight role in determining who is and isn't a Yankee, because the Mason-Dixon Line was an imaginary border that was designed to legally set the boundaries of the states allowing slavery, and of the non-slavery states; not determining North and South.
The states that contain the most real yankees are all of the New England states, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York.
I am a devout, true-to-heart Yankee, and damn proud of it.
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This is used in place of "what?", "huh?", or "what's that?" by many in the Greater Cincinnati Metro Area. It is said to come from the German influence here.
clerk: "Please?"
me: I said "Ma'am how much does this cost?"
The Kentucky Yankee, Urbandictionary.com author since August 2004.
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