of Friar like proportions; from the gothic regions of Tasmania, a herbalist and an adept dwarf like species of primate noted for voyeuristic tendencies and panty sniffing.
Famous for its untamed laughter and unabashed exberance. A quick judge of character and an intelligent and trustworthy friend.
Not to be mistaken with fried oyster gnat pate similar to the rillettes du Mans from the Southern Seychelles region of Kazakhstan.
A species of Needra/Camel Hybrid known for its staunch opposition to labour and its penchant for gluttony.
also utilised in the characterisation of a 'fucking Harrison' in the term, 'fucking harrison'.....
a person seeking employment at a pre-school for the mute
a cup which is 3/4's empty and full of a salt like substance the owner claims is a condiment
set in southern Portugal before legislative reforms incorporating the concept of statutory rape...
Granton: 'hello child... come hither...'
child: you deadbeat?? y aren't you at work.... my dad has to till the King's fifedom to subsidise people like you
Granton: my child.. i am a learned scholar specialising in the anatomy of smal primates.... plus i have some assorted lollies...
Child: in that case
Granton: (smiling)......
a little bit later....
kiddies in play -fife: 'why are you limping Tommy'? (aka.. the child)
Child: shutup you serfs!!! (thinking of a happy place)....
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Chodes that do not know how to speak and say tooterolls instead of tutorials
Chode: Yo pud I need to look at some tooterolls to learn about that amp
King: You idiot
To have KungfuManchu is to suffer from Crotch Rats.
Man Pookey over there got a bad case of KungFuManchu!
The improper spelling of "compact disc". If you ever say "disk" when reffering to any flat circular object, being it a piece of media or not, then you are wrong, and deserve to die for being a FUCKING IDIOT.
"I have soooo many compact disks, and I love taking it up the shitpipe!"
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A Good Band, thats good live, taht some luckey gits get away with getting seated tickets, but are masters at stealth :P
Person1: i seen muse with my mates yesterday,
was ment to b seating but snuck in to standing
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Townies are people who where cheap fake clothes brought from the local market. They where fake burberry caps and scarfs. They got out of there way to where nike and addidas.They use terms such as "blads" and "wa gwan" every townie thinks they are black and would do anything to fit in with a black crowd. Townie females are cheap sluts who thnik they are black. Again fake burberry caps and scarfs. They have fake burberry hair bands.There hair is incredibly greasy there teeth are normally black with tar from ciggertes. They will proboly never have a good job only to be working at the till in poundland. Townies mothers dont give a damn about there kids and gave birth at 15 or 16. There father ran away at 16, and is proboly in prison for assulting someone. Townies apperantly have loads of back up but when it actually comes to it it is a bunch of 4 foot 10yr olds. They look down at people wh are smarter than them and call the boffins. I hate townies so much they are so annoying!!!!.
Townie: Why you looking at me blad
Non townie: I'm not
Townie: Dont get rude blad
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A philanthropist of cultural diversity with an avid fascination for russian literature, music and porn.... and not necessarily in that order.
Said to have originally inhabited mountainous regions near Germany and renowned for inventing the first known vintage of 'gestalt' being the originator of cask wine as it is known and loved by the poor of today...
A wondering nomad not content with domesticity - a 'Pascoevich' is said to be one with a constant need for adventure and in some instances.... chilli.
A tribal warrior, a cultural voyeur, a diplomat.....
There have been many instances in which unsuspecting people armed with a name or derivative of Pascoevich have been known to be subject to random bouts of multiple personality disorder. The communal link in all these instances is that these people were all either located attempting to hitchhike to the nearest airport or in close proximity to a public toilet - which they defended with tenacity claiming native title in some instances.
An inhabitor of the inhabitable.....
Somwehere on the slopes of the Himalayas........ before 'Nam'....
Gen Griggs: where's that f*(&^'ing Pascoevich gone off to??
Sarg: he wouldn't stop yesterday General... said something about Chilli.... and then went all hyper...
Gen. Griggs: f)**^)ing Pascoevich!! Honestly we'll have to tie him up somewhere....
meanwhile somewhere in Nepal...
Unsuspecting Virginal maiden collecting water for her mother, father and 18 siblings.....: ummm the water looks sooo clean today... maybe i'll skinny dip...
Pascoevich (from behind a leafy banana plant): (quietly) hehe.... ummmmm lunch...
Unsuspecting Virgin: i thought i heard a sound...
Pascoevich: ... hellooooo little lady.... ummm mmm ummm.
Unsuspecting Virgin: get back you brute, or i will throw chilli powder in your eyes...
Pascoevich: i mean you know harm little lady... but its been a long war... and a brother needs a little if you get my drift.... show me some... go on baby.... show me some ... chillleee
Unsuspecting Virgin: (throws chili into Pascoevich's eyes... and then runs and proceeds to trip on her pet goat 'Vindaloo')... oh fu*%!!!
Pascoevich: (dives head first into the lake to avoid the stinging... and emerges shortly... rubbing his eyes and tasting his fingers)... ummmm .. spicy.. i'd say from the northern region of Pakistan...
a little later.... over a campfire and some 'vindaloo'... Pascoevich and his newly betrothed discuss their life plans and Pascoevich's incessant need to wonder. They decide to name their first child 'cataract' after their first meeting and his finally wife agrees to show him some ankle....
18 months later...
Gen Griggs: why that looks like a little naked Pascoevich running around near that lake... but it can't be... he knew the armies policy on sex on tour...
Sarg: he's carrying a condom
Gen Griggs: god damn but i love that russian!!
NB: Pascoevich is a registered trademark of Pascal sweet manufacturers incorporated. The name was subsequently changed from Pascoevich sweets in the first world war after people likened the appearance of the companies founder to one Leon Trotsky.. but as one housewife in suburban Gundawai claimed... 'he just looked to new age with his high fangled hair and edible condoms'...
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