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the act of armed american soldiers dry humping an orphaned dolphin before inditing large novels depicting the eventsin chronological order.

also known as rack smackers or blowhole infestation

past tense: clargoed
present tense: clarging
future tense: clargee

In his elongated journey through the vast atlantic seas, Juan the mexican pirate came across a beached dolphin...he clargoed the sucker until he could clargo no more...then wrote an award winning book...called My Life: Bill Clinton

by The Komodo Dragon October 14, 2006

8👍 10👎


Large ogre like creatures originating out of Italy called minotaurs, decided to integrate with modern society. The time was the early 2000s, and these creatures emerged from years of performing the act of smackerbating. They mingled with common folk, and attempted to learn english. they spoke with part of a lisp, and made 'ts' sound like 'chs'. THerefore the common word of pants became pantchs...

if you dont believe that story...then...

pantchs is PANTS said by the common moron...

One day a tall young man was talking to a pretty girl, and made a comment, "NIce Pantchs". She beat the crap out of him and ran away screaming.

by The Komodo Dragon October 14, 2006

3👍 1👎

panchotious erectonous

fear of bulges in pantchs

Due to his panchotious erectonous, Matt spent his entire life in a box.

by The Komodo Dragon October 14, 2006

2👍 1👎