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Blaque On Blaque

1. A social movement where black people support other black people
2. The act of redefining the phrase "Black on Black"

3. Blaque in itself means "Believing in Life and Achieving a Quest for Unity in Everything"
4. The activism for positivity within the black community

"Hey have you heard of that new Blaque on Blaque ralley coming up, I heard all the new black vendors/businesses will be there"

by The LettiLady December 2, 2022

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A brown American

Did you see that brownican over there?

by The LettiLady December 5, 2022

Bagel Mom

1. Someone who is ready to commit and settle down into housewife and mother duties

2. Someone who is committed to the ups and downs, and is fully aware of the well even worse days.
3. Someone who is over their party phase or wants to skip their party phase to work on more productive things like raising a family

Maya is such a bagel mom. All she does is plan everything and be in bed before 8 PM.

by The LettiLady November 27, 2022

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Black Card

A bank card that only used at black owned establishments

Some white lady asked if I wanted to buy something and I told her I only owned a black card

by The LettiLady December 22, 2022

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1. A celibate Queen
2. One who values their body and allows time to see if they are going to give it up. (Time vets people out, only the real stay and the real get some)
3. Someone who isn’t quite waiting for marriage but isn’t into date hookups or first few weeks/months

“Being a CQ is really refreshing”

by The LettiLady December 7, 2022

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- The act of being a real friend

- the act of understanding without so many words
- the act of being down for the cause regardless of the consequences

- being a stand up dude who has morals and values

“Y’all aren’t Ja’Michaeling the way you should be”

“Ja’Michael would never do me like that”

by The LettiLady November 30, 2022

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Bitter Black Woman
Based on the book, "How To Be A BBW? published in 2023 by Kaitlan C. Farrior

I was always confused about why we were always considered a BBW. I definitely am not bitter and if I was, I didn't get there on my own

by The LettiLady December 19, 2022

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