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Hip-pop is a movement in hip-hop that killed mainstream hip-hop violently in about 2005 and has been raping it continuously for four years. Personally it fucking disgusts me to see anyone listening to any of these dipshits usually from the South and thinking their hardcore motherfuckers. If you enjoy this music you are either:
a.) a fucking dipshit
b.) a huge clone
c.) an Mtv clone akin to some pop punk "emo" kid
d.) A thirteen year old bitch living in the suburbs
The so-called "artists" include
T-Pain, Lil wayne, Soulja Boy, Arab, Hurrican Chris, Akon, Plies, Flo Rida, Rick Ross etc.
If you are mad about this because they admire this music, fuck you. You are a fucking idiot who follows any trend like a fucking sheep. You deserve to get raped harder than rap is currently getting gangbanged. I hope that Mtv can get over these false musicians who do not have any artistic talent but rely on someone like Timbaland to make a simple 1-2 beat and a couple electronic sound effects and feature an already famous hip-pop musician so that they can make a hit, come out with two albums and then fade from our ADD-like culture rich and gettin' pussy.

If you happen to have half a brain, please, i beg you, do not buy into this and leave the flock of sheep, find your own brand of music that you like, and pull up your fucking pants, you live in the suburbs.

Idiot#1: I love Soulja Boy, he is real hip-hop
Idiot#2: I know, I love hardcore rap so much!!!
Me: You are fucking dipshits, clones, sheep, and are collectively dumber than Sarah Palin fans!!!
Idiots: Why?
Me: Soulja boy is hip-pop. Not only did he kill any chances for a revival of actual hip-hop, he is currently enjoying raping hip-hop, because of this he will go to hell and his punishment will be tortured as described in the Wu-Tang song Method Man.

by The Little Intellectual June 3, 2009

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