When some tells you to "stay put". Not only will you be put as fuck, but suddenly, and for only a short while, everything can be described as being put. It's as though the words "stay put" cast a temporary spell over you, granting you total and complete of putness.
AKA. Being a dickhead because you can but then "put" seems like a random sound, devoid of all meaning that may have been previously attatched to it due to the fact you repeated it too much.
Person 1: "I'll be back, stay put"
Person 2 "Put? I am put, this music is put, the drink is put, that guy's a puthead, just got a strong whiff of putness. These put-noobs need to put themselves to get on my level of putness."
1: "I'm back"
2: "that's put... this night is putting"
1: "..."
2 "... what the fuck even is "put"? Doesn't sound like a real word anymore.. put... put put put puuuuuuuuuttt..."
1: "Jesus Christ please stop doing this"