Source Code

Travis Scott Burger

The fortnite guy that got a burger

Worker) Hello, what can I get you?
(Guy in car) Cactus Jack fucked me
(Worker) .......... The what?
(Guy in car) *Plays sicko mode*
(Worker) So the Travis Scott Burger
(Guy in car) The guy from fortnite that got his own burger yes

by The Man ekuL September 12, 2020

72👍 3👎

Travis Scott Burger

The fortnite guy that got a burger

(Worker) Hello, what can I get you?
(Guy in car) Cactus Jack fucked me
(Worker) .......... The what?
(Guy in car) *Plays sicko mode*
(Worker) So the Travis Scott Burger
(Guy in car) The guy from fortnite that got his own burger yes

by The Man ekuL September 12, 2020