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Sittas is the name of a greek guy who likes to drink pee, he is also white and has a small buttock

Do not perform some sittas please?

by The MasterMok March 4, 2019


Liew is the name of a asian guy who likes to eat dumplings, he also yells when he gets touched and has a yellow buttock

Stop liewing my dumpling boi

by The MasterMok January 27, 2019

38👍 5👎


Lai is the name of a hot asian male who likes to eat poop, he also likes to pee on the bed and likes to lick things with his mum

Stoping lai my bathroom boi

by The MasterMok March 13, 2019

21👍 14👎


Mok is basically the sexiest asian kid around, he has giant pecs and likes licking other asian males

Oh no Mok my Bacon!!

by The MasterMok March 11, 2019

29👍 11👎