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More definate than definate.
A promise or oath to do something 100%, without doubt.
Only death or similar will prevent this from happening.
Not to be confused with definately.

"I will geoffinately be in the pub on Friday."
Translation: "I will be in the pub on Friday night without a doubt and the only thing that would stop me would dieing beforehand or if the pub exploded."

by The Merrington-Smythes August 31, 2004

23👍 9👎


To eat food in the same way that you can quaff drink a la medieval banquet stylee

I'm so hungry I could yump this pizza right down

by The Merrington-Smythes August 31, 2004

6👍 35👎


Another word for tesco's supermarket only used by those in the know (sic)

"I'm gonna pop to teskai's on the way home tonight to get some jaffa kaikes."

by The Merrington-Smythes August 31, 2004