1) To use Google Earth and space based technology to precisely locate your 'target-of-opportunity' (tOO_) or loo toony.
2) To 'captcha' data on the ground so that you can compare it to satellite data.
I totally used GPS ground truthing on that stupid GPS, cat-ching$$, loo toony, (tOO_).
Yah dude she still drives an SUV with crossover technology and can't afford to go cat-ching$$.
1👍 7👎
1) Meaning goodbye or see you later.
2) Leader of 300 Spartans
3) Sparta kicked someone into abyss.
4) Greak leader of Sparta
yelling "Sparta!"
5) A city of Ancient Greece.
6) A bad-ass rock band.
7) A bad-ass movie 300 about Spartans
Symbol on phone of computer:
(-v-), (-v-)!, or (-(-v(-v-)v-)-) !(-(-v(-v-)v-)-)!
Leonidas: (arrows) "We will fight in shade"
Leonidas: This is SPARTAAA
Jesters: This is not Sparta.
1👍 9👎
1) A person (suffering from constipation) who uses coffee stir stick or a bar swizzle stick to loosen the impacted substance.
2) A person who uses who uses coffee stir stick or a bar swizzle stick to pry loosen a troublesome pifflenut.
3) A person who has a fetish for the tilde ~ twiddle stick and like things such as cofee stir sticks and bar swizzle sticks.
At coffee counter...
Eww...these stir sticks looks like some twiddle pooper has used them.
In a psychoanalysis group...
Patient 1 walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing only underwear made of Saran Wrap.
Psychiatrist: Well...I can clearly see your nuts.
PATIENT 1: Complaining of constipation, walks purposely to the coffee counter, picks up some stir sticks and heads for the bathroom.
PATIENT 2: Look at that crazy twiddlepooper!
2👍 1👎
1) 300 of (-v-)
2) The movie 300.
3) Leonidus King of Spartans
4) 3 of 1 King
5) 2 of 3
6) Warriors of Greek City State like Athens.
7) Wasters of helots.
6) A bad-ass rock band.
7) A bad-ass movie 300 about Spartans
On computer or phone: (-(-v(-v-)v)-) meaning lets dine in hell person/group.
1) 1) Meaning goodbye or see you later.
2) Leader of 300 Spartans
3) Sparta kicked someone into abyss.
4) Greak leader of Sparta
yelling "Sparta!"
5) A city of Ancient Greece.
6) A bad-ass rock band.
7) A bad-ass movie 300 about Spartans
3👍 22👎
1) Sparta defiant.
2) Sparta with sword.
3) Leonidus: Let's Dine In Hell
4) Sparta with sword.
1) On cell phone or computer (-v-)!
2) (-v-)! !(-v(-v-)v-)! Leonidus leading 300 into hell. Dining ensues.
4👍 2👎