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Thayer Academy

Typical private school in Braintree, Ma; prison and meeting place for upper middle class white kids into drinking, drugs, sex, other illegal activities, and of course sports; girls worship the STD filled hockey boys, and boys chase after the skankiest underclassmen they can find; popular junior girls dress like they came straight out of the talbots catalog (not a good thing); the teachers can be cool, but most fall into the category of drug addicts, or dykes; their leader Mr. Clarke heads their nazi regime to braiknwash the youth of america and tourture those who try and be diffrent.

common TA phrases

"Omg his hockey mullet is soo hot."
"I love your sweater vest!, did u get it at talbots?"
"Man that weed made me thrirsty, pass my Nalgene water bottle."

by The Plastics January 3, 2005

130👍 100👎


Similar to Queen Bee.... We socialites often have money to spare and are always the life of the party. You'd never think of not inviting us, whether you know us well or not. We have everything, and we basically own you. When we enter a room, or the cafeteria for that matter, everyone stops to stare at us. Whether it's negative or positive comments, we own your minds, and we like the attention. You may say, "Oh I don't like her blah blah," but in actuality, you just wish you were us. lol...

"Look at Alexis. She is so awesome."--person1
"OMG. She is such a total whore"--person2
"You and I both know you're just jealous. You're the whore. You totally dated Dalton because you are so desprate and you wear way too much concealer on your face. Your hair is always so nasty looking"--person1
"OMG. You are so not cool."--person2

by The Plastics April 12, 2005

75👍 3017👎