1. The African American incarnation of Hitler.....or just some dumbass.
2. A hypocritical fat bitch that states all black people are constantly being harassed/pursecuted by white people;...Yeah, the fact that I see dumbass white, latin, and asian kids decked out in "urban" clothes with there ass hanging out there pants as an attempt to emmulate/think there cool is just a hallucination that I've been having for years now.
3. A racist of white people; Tawana Brawley who claimed she was raped by police in the 80's, but was found later to have lied, was supported by Sharpton. He ended up ruining the lives of several police officers financially and publicly, but did Al ever apologize to said officers? Hell no! He almost killed Don Imus' radio career because of three words nappy headed hoes, even though Imus made fun of EVERYONE equally regardless of ethnic background or belief, he still acted the bigger man & apologized to Sharpton.
"I'm Al Sharpton, I have no balls, no soul, & if there's a hell, I'm going to it because I don't practice what I preach.....take that white crackers!"
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