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Rattle and Hum

To rattle and hum is to hold your dick in a woman's mouth and rattle it while grasping the back of her head with your other hand. The sound she makes should be a gargling humming sound. It is advised that this technique be used during the act of face-fucking. Alternatively, R+H can be used in any orifice given how taut it is, or has become, from other endeavors. To pull off the move, one must have a licentious yet controlled aggression so as to not injure yourself or your partner.

I performed the Rattle and Hum with the ol ball n' chain yesterday.

by The Real Dr. Nick July 19, 2023

Cum dumpster fire

Inspired by a peculiar inability to accurately describe a certain characteristic that differentiates hot girls from beautiful, wholesome women, and/or supermodels. CDF’s are the 5s who become false 7s and 8s because of the cartoonish, chaotic assets, both physically and mentally, they possess. Evolution built this sub-genre of women to safe-guard men against becoming lazy to danger; to keep him sharp. A man will be pleased and inspired erotically and motivated by an elevated status. He will endure the rollercoaster cycles of overly-emotional bouts fueled by her fiery victim entitlement to strengthen the steel sword that is his ego, his manhood. What makes the CDF even more attractive to men is the attainability of this subspecies. She is the highest level of whore. The used-up, retired low level porn star, single mom, broken but still usable and able to show off. The level where she will fuck any type of man, yet be selective at the same time. This confuses all men into a false optimism. Every man believes there's a chance, yet only a select group gets the opportunity to figure out how to solve this destructive enigma.

It can also be funny, a jab, or a compliment for those women who embrace it. This makes the woman seem more attuned to her own nature. Rough N' Rowdy ring girls come to mind as an example. But beware, the sweet seduction of this wild, brainless, erotic creature will be a double-edged sword. While loyal, you will never satisfy her need for attention and chaos.

Cum dumpster fires are the used Mercedes of women. Imagine if you will, a visibly run-through, crazy realtor, with fake boobs in Newark, driving a Range Rover to attain unearned status while going through a divorce. Her natural man-pleasing talents “knocked up” her youth -twice. So she will use that natural talent to recapture it. Her daughters stole her good years, so she will wear their clothes to attract attention to recapture it. From the outside: a fun, chaotic, unique, fucked up life, attention-seeking, put-together woman with assets to please, control, and bring chaos to men. These women are typically very fertile and look like they are built to be the black sheep village girl who gets ravaged by the intruders and ends up in relationships with a select few of them. Bringing him closer to the destructive suicide of erotic overload, yet sharp enough to believe they are more of a man than reality. You eventually go to ruin because she revenge-fucks a dude or several, and you take her back each time.

by The Real Dr. Nick August 8, 2023

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The Flying Buttress

Although the term has been solely expressed in architectural design during the Gothic Age, the Flying Buttress lends itself to be further extrapolated.

The Flying Buttress is an advanced sexual move performed by couples where the woman "flies” while being sodomized anally. To fully define the physical act see below. It can be performed by all variations of the two genders.

Couples start by standing close, the man behind the woman. He inserts his erect penis into his partner’s ass and holds her by the waist. With the aid of the man, the woman jumps up and swings her legs around his waist, and gripping him with her thighs, while he guides her body, lifting her up sliding his hands into:

1. A full-nelson,

2. Holding both breasts,

3. Grabbing her hair,

4. Rubbing her clit whilst the other hand performs a cowboy hee-haw motion in the air (Pro-tip: cowboy hat). Or raises both arms once she is secure. Like figure-skater.

By its own genesis, this is an unusual physical act. Even if confident please proceed with caution.

The Flying Buttress’ finally: Her hands in the air, he spins them around. Celebrating as if Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance" is playing (pro-tip). And may ye speak the twilled words of Othello:

'Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump,
The spirit-stirring drum, th'ear-piercing fife,
The royal banner, and all quality,
Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war!'

Cindi: Announcement! Did you sluts see my TikTok?

Basic Bitches: OMG NO!
Cindi: That's cuz I haven't posted it!! Ya bendable Barbie trash!! lol. BUT no cap I wanted all you used-up holes to know First. FREAKIN. Hand.
Basic Bitches: STFU! FIRE! Tell us! Spit it out ya slut! Lol Lol Lol!
Cindi: Well…I told my husband that he can fuck my shit pipe after we were married. So, on our honeymoon, we celebrated our "union" lol, by doing the Flying Buttress at the resort.

Basic Bitches: NO. FUCKING. WAY!!!
Cindi: Get this ya flock-a-cock-pukers...Everyone was so impressed by us they clapped!! Zack, that hunk of dinero, spun me around and fucked my ass so good. Everyone was super jelly!!!
Basic Bitch: That's so romantic! I heart you two so freakin much!!!
Cindi: Well, I'm happy AF but, TBH, I still can't walk right, my peach is so bruised from all the ass-fucking we did.
Basic Bitches: Talking to themselves after immediately losing interest when Cindi is relating something that is personal and isn't "fire".

Cindi: Hey, I think this group of 3-hole, clown-faced, cum-snorters, who got the Addys!!!!
All Basic Bitches: Triggered by the call for Adderall, the troupe regain consciousness and continue to enjoy their Sunday Funday.

by The Real Dr. Nick September 24, 2023

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