To be amused and gratified with a forseen victory (from a complete reversal of the phrase cry all the way to the bank)
If I could pull of something like that I'd laugh all the way to the bank.
22π 11π
You won't get off easy for allowing dangerous behavior around a working factory oven.
9π 4π
an uncontrolled decrease or decline
With seemingly every situation around the world in free fall, people seem to be in lowers spirits than ever.
42π 7π
deceptive speech designed to mean something that it does not explicitly say
Lay off the double talk already.
47π 18π
1. for the electricity to dim or fade
2. an instance of the electricity dimming or fading, a partial black out
I hate it when we get a brown out. flicccc
13π 10π
improvisational theater, performances where the material is improvised on the spot while they already in progress.
I don't think we are ready for improv yet.
48π 18π
a leg, usually of a woman(often plural)
She displayed a rock solid gam.
87π 41π