siblings born within 12 months of each other
Most likely, those two are catholic twins.
4π 9π
the irrational belief that something is false because it is unusual
I have too much skeptopathy from them already.
4π 9π
1. a quadriplegic (derogatory)
2. a quarter once of an illegal drug, usually cannabis
3. a prison
That quad thinks he is better than me.
80π 60π
in plain sight but not noticed (often with right)
That meth leb could be right under your nose.
18π 2π
a website that has not been updated for a very long time (because it sports figurative cobwebs)
Due to the problems with the way it work the site was turning out to be a cobweb site.
2π 12π
1. a sidewalk
2. the area that a gang claims
3. horse-racing
The turf was not safe for travel. What if I got shot.
6π 6π
used to refer to something that is desired by the speaker or the person spoken to but is unlikely to happen
I would make you an awesome video game in your dreams.
21π 5π