1. a particularly vicious and dangerous dog, especially one chained up as a result of it's attacks
2. a particularly vicious and dangerous person
(dogs of such a temperament are frequently used to guard junkyards in movies)
If I have to deal with that junkyard dog again I will give it's owner a piece of my mind.
25π 11π
1. a lawyer
2, a spokesperson, a spokesman or woman
The Mouthpiece for the government lied about what happened.
50π 29π
1. an amusing or eccentric person
2. something used to achieve a purpose
3. to require someone to show an ID for purchase, participation, etc
This tag was his card in court.
141π 52π
to work diligently, especially late into the night
I had to burn the midnight oil to get that done.
42π 5π
Neglectful of an important task or responsibility
That punk is always be asleep at the switch.
10π 2π
to attempt to heal one's injuries or make oneself feel better
ff you just lick your wounds when that asshole is still out there than you wont have chance to warn the anyone to avoid him. (example of lick one's wounds)
13π 5π
a young man who is selfless, caring and rejects dominance and machismo
If he were a nice guy maybe she would listen.
75π 65π