beyond reasonable limits, outlandish
This situation is over the top. Someone do something to stop all this bickering.
181π 46π
a condom, especially a discarded one (because they are often seen floating in the New York Harbor)
There was a Manhattan eel everywhere you looked.
5π 1π
improvisational theater, performances where the material is improvised on the spot while they already in progress.
I don't think we are ready for improv yet.
48π 18π
a leg, usually of a woman(often plural)
She displayed a rock solid gam.
87π 41π
not the best way of doing something
To exclude someone based on rumors or urban legends is the wrong way to run a railroad.
2π 6π
a telephone (dated, from actor Don Ameche, who starred in an early film about Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telphone)
The Ameche rang off the hook.
5π 12π
a blend of hillbilly music with rhythm and blues
Elvis was a pioneer in rockabilly.
43π 48π