1. to applaud a enthusiastically
2. a very enthusiastic description, review, etc
3. an underground party, especially involving illegal drugs
The movie has been given quite a rave.
45π 13π
1. a person or organization with very old-fashion values
2. something obsolete, especially a machine
I don't think that dinosaur will help us much.
13π 6π
to mount a destructive assault or opposition
They tried to carpet-bomb the senator for his alleged scheme but made no progress.
11π 8π
independently, not doing something to carry out instructions or orders
He removed the junk on his own steam. (example of under one's own steam)
12π 10π
Why is your Irish up over that?
18π 1024π
To reduce someone's ego or conceit, to deflate someone
The latest scandal finally took the starch out of him. (example of take the starch out of)
4π 4π