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A person who is disgusted by the fact that swiney little 10-16 year old girls scream and cry over the Jonas Brothers.

They hate the fact that 99.99999% of all Jonas Brother Fans are brain dead morons that go to every concert, buy two copies of every CD, buy one of there shirts and wear is over and over again until is disinigrates, and there walls are plastered with Jonas Brothers posters, they only talk about them 24-7, and they have a disease that makes them horny when they hear even the letters J-O-N-A-S.

Anti-Jonas think that they aren't talented and there are thousands of other artists that get ignore because of the Jonas Brothers. Guess what?! The Anti-Jonas are right and they have musical taste whether it be rap, rock, metal, or punk.

Anti-Jonas actually have lives and don't let there lives revolve around three talentless, pathetic, girly dressed, high voices, fags.

JB-Fan: OMG OMG OMG I lOVvess<3 them!!!

Anti-Jonas: Really I think they are terrible and have no talent, they are only famous because of Disney.

JB-Fan: UrR a FAGGG!!!! TheYYS Rr aMazingily!!

Anti-Jonas: This is why we hate Jonas Brothers fangirls.

by The Sane People August 18, 2008

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