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peepee toucher

one whom likes to touch a man's peepee; a pervert; common title used to call upon an annoying lady

"One dollar make you holler!"
"Hey, peepee toucher, how long will that take?"
"Look at that peepee toucher. She's been talking on the phone that loud since i walked in half an hour ago!"

by The Scottish Muffinman November 26, 2009

4👍 1👎


against the nature of death; unable to die; immortal

The healers are contramorsic.

by The Scottish Muffinman September 7, 2007

wet weinie

a dick that can't hold an orgasm; term for a loser that sees a hot girl and has an orgasm immediately

"Is that Alicia? She's so friggin' hot!"
"You have a wet weinie! What a loser! You sick freak!"

by The Scottish Muffinman November 26, 2009

2👍 3👎

calculus warrior wannabe

a calculus warrior with a casio calculator instead of a ti-83 or higher.

"God, your calculator sucks! Oh it's a casio! You calculus warrior wannabe!"

by The Scottish Muffinman November 26, 2009

17👍 4👎


sick and tired of something; a synonym for fed up

"I'm so fedexed with this health care crap in Congress!"

by The Scottish Muffinman November 26, 2009

donkey punch toboggan

when a man donkey punches a woman at the top of a staircase and rides her down the stairs

Marge rode Mark with her asshole but wouldn't let him have an orgasm. So Mark did a donkey punch toboggan to Marge and he came all over her at the bottom of the stairs.

by The Scottish Muffinman November 26, 2009

78👍 68👎