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Short for WA = the great state of Western Australia, Australia. Where you can mine gold in your backyard and raise your kids in Perth, the world's 21st best city to live in. Where the beaches are untouched and national parks numerous. The perfect place where the land meets the water against the heavens. The place where you can make your dreams come true.

"Dub"stands for the "W" in Western Australia, just as the Aussies do it (Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!).

Melbournian: "Melbourne is the cultural centre of Australia, with pristine beaches and beautiful people."
Perthling: "Unlike Melbourne, we have the pandemic under control. Why don't you first check out Dubs-A before making such a bold statement?"

by The Shelbinator December 14, 2020