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I bet the person that added that is a silly little man who is just jealous because they don't have friends as close as TOMICON or as cool and and well respected by their peers as TOMICON. And the few friends they do have don't do as cool as stuff as TOMICON and even though they put TOMICON down they secretly wish they belonged to TOMICON. And the stuff they do do is just them trying to as like TOMICON as they can. Can I blame them? No. Sorry you feel that way guy. You should have tried to be our friend insted of calling us names. We're a pretty easy-to-get-along-with group, we probably would have excepted you. Then you would have cool people to hang out with insted of whatever faggots you're with now.

Some select members of the Fall Oers. Not all of them, but some. I'll probably regret this later.

by The Slayer of Lonelyness April 24, 2005

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