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The word "smitemeister" comes from the game "Heretic", a popular successor of the original Doom series.
"Thou art a smitemeister" was the 4th and hardest difficulty level. The word is a combination of two languages. In English, "To smite" means to strike down, injure, or slay with great force, and "Meister" is the German word for master. In other words, master of slaying, or major asskicker.

I just kicked some demon ass, I am the smitemeister!

by The Smitemeister January 29, 2008

Because I can

An absolute and valid verbal justification of any action that is seemingly without a clear goal or purpose.
This expression is used to quickly make someone realize that the action in itself is so mindnumbingly cool and awe-inspiring that a purpose is no longer necessary.

Q: Why on earth would you want to play "Für Elise" on an HP Scanner!

A: Because I can

by The Smitemeister March 18, 2008

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