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A kind, extremely mysterious and elusive boy. never know what he’s up to next. Very quiet unless he’s talking about a topic he is comfortable in. He’s a gentleman and knows how to treat girls. He will talk to you all night if your struggling. He’s very mentally strong and athletic, very skilled in all sports once he gets the mechanics. Doesn’t like hurting people especially the ones he cares about. Once a Conor knows he has found the right girl, he attempts to try and make her life as happy as possible, even if that includes keeping his distance, because the truth is he probably loves her. Conor’s will sit on the edge of rooms and survey everything, he will be the first one to spot problems between people that aren’t public. He will think very highly of you and thinks that there is nothing wrong with you. If a Conor is by chance ignoring you, You fucked up. You just lost a very important piece in your life. Conor's tend to find the positive it situations and if he messes up talk to him until he answers you, because he’s going to think it’s his fault. Conor's are always hard on themselves especially in sports. Conor’s are not very confident in their appearance, making them seem standoffish, but in reality if a Conor starts showing himself out more in groups, he’s either trying to catch a girls attention or he’s gaining more confidence. If a Conor by chance likes you, I’d recommend exploring down that path, if not it’s a missed opportunity.

“He waited all that time, she was dating someone else and Conor waited, ignoring anyone else who even liked him, because he loved that girl and now they are high school sweethearts.”

by The Star Crossed Flag December 19, 2022

66👍 6👎


A kind, mysterious and elusive person. You never know what he’s up to. Very quiet unless he’s talking about a topic he is comfortable in. He’s a gentleman and knows how to treat girls. He will talk to you all night if your struggling. He’s very mentally strong and athletic, very skilled in all sports once he gets the mechanics. Doesn’t like hurting people especially the ones he cares about. Once a Conor knows he has found the right girl, he attempts to try and make her life as happy as possible, even if that includes keeping his distance, because the truth is he probably loves her. Conor’s will sit on the edge of rooms and survey everything, he will be the first one to spot problems between people that aren’t public. He will think very highly of you and thinks that there is nothing wrong with you. If a Conor is by chance ignoring you, You fucked up. You just lost a very important piece in your life. Conor's tend to find the positive it situations and if he messes up talk to him until he answers you, because he’s going to think it’s his fault. Conor's are always hard on themselves especially in sports. Conor’s are also not very confident in their appearance, making them seem standoffish, but in reality if a Conor starts showing himself out more in groups, he’s either trying to catch a girls attention or he’s gaining more confidence. Conor’s are fantastic boyfriends if you give them the chance, they honor and trust you with everything they do.

“Conor waited all this time to be with the girl he loved, he kept an eye when she was with someone else, and respectfully rejected everyone else who liked him. He waited and now they are high school sweethearts and living life.”

“Did you see Conor just rejected that girl?”

“Yeah, it was crazy dude, he must really love that that other girl to keep himself available.”

by The Star Crossed Flag December 19, 2022

37👍 3👎