Masturbation of the male by using the females pendulous breasts to bring him to climax. Also known as 'tit wank'. For added effect soap up the breasts and get her to push them together. Baby oil also useful.
The dusky, full breasted maiden was indeed a dab hand at the old spanish wank.
46π 10π
Act of going from pleasant to irrationally violent in less time than it takes to say, "Have you seen Shooter McGavin?"
"No, why?"
"Because I'm going to beat the living piss out of him."
"I think you're great, Sean."
"Why thank you Scott. I think you and your mum are great too."
"Woo down there Scott, don't go all Happy Gilmore on me."
"Yeah well you're a lousy kidergarten teacher. I've seen your finger paintings and they suck."
73π 38π
Another name for excrament. Named so because of the time of day it is performed and the shape it makes in the bowl.
I like to start the day with a coffee, followed closely by my morning coil.
15π 2π
Contraceptive. Condom. Sheath.
Look, love, I have super duper baby gravy. I need to put on a nodder whether you like it or not.
133π 44π
1. Found in Northern parts of England. Is the fatty juice of meat, sometimes eaten on white bread.
2. Result of getting a girl stimulated.
1. "Here you go love, get yer laughing tackle round that. Bread and dripping."
2. "Here you go love, get yer laughing tackle round that. I'm dripping."
131π 91π
The Daddy. Terminology for hardest, most respected nut in Borstal. For complete definition see Ray Winston in the film 'Scum'.
Ray Winston, "Did bring your fackin' tool?"
Big Inmate, "What fackin' tool?"
RW, "This fackin' tool."
BI, "Uuhhnnnnn, uuhhnnn, argh."
RW, "I'm the Daddy now."
18π 36π
Mucus produced at the back of the throat and brought up to the mouth to spit out. More common in smokers. Also see 'loogie' or 'coughing up a lung'.
Barking is going to have a serious TB problem. The pavement is absolutely covered in yebbles.
11π 2π