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Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Fell Off And I Dropped My Taco

*Texts on phone* Guy: "Hey, what you doing?" Other guy: "Oh just banging your sister" Guy: "WHAT!" Other guy: "Just kidding!" Guy: "ROTFLSHMSFOAIDMT"

by The Ugly Prince April 13, 2016

16👍 1👎


1 The color of Donald Trump's face 2 A juicy fruit I like to put my cock inside of.

1 Why is my dick orange? 2 FUCK YES, KEEP THAT ORANGE GOING!

by The Ugly Prince March 14, 2017

1👍 1👎


The parent that shits in your bathroom. Also takes a ton of shit. Your dad is super loving actually, except most people find fathers to be inconsiderate fucks. No one cares if your father forced told you to buy your own house. And no one cares that your dad supports the 2nd amendment. Back to the other shitting part, his shits are fucking MASSIVE. I'm talking like holy shit massive, like your toilet cannot be unclogged massive.

Welp. My son is gay, the other is a right wing, and my daughter's a feminist. I'm surprised I haven't killed myself. Am I a good dad? Yeah.

by The Ugly Prince December 15, 2017