Noun: A large assembly of crackers, usually associated with country music or Donald Trump
"Man, that Toby Keith concert last night was the biggest Cracker Barrel I have seen in a long time."
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Noun: Generic term used to describe intellectually bankrupt, useless college courses, taught by defensive, hostile and unqualified professors that exist only because they are politically correct and students are forced to take them. Comparable to Underwater Basket Weaving, except that is mandatory and the grading is brutal.
Poor Jin - he had A's in Calculus, Organic Chemistry, Applied Physics, and Programming for Artificial Intelligence, and the poor bastard was lucky to get a C-plus in his required bullshit course - Lesbian Astronomy, or whatever.
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A woman whose facial features, body shape, voice, or gait causes the casual observer to wonder if she is transexual
Gary showed his ticket to Wanda, the sour, transpicious morning conductor, and boarded his train for work
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Noun or verb: Sympathetically clicking "like" or an emoticon on the posting of an unattractive or unpopular FaceBook friend in order to help maintain the life-sustaining illusion that their lives are interesting. A low risk / low effort virtual version of the Pity Fuck.
Unaware that all of Lisa's responses to his FaceBook postings were just pity clicks, Warren made a beeline for her at the class reunion, thinking after 25 years he would finally score..
A person capable of subduing or driving out the Bitch spirit from the woman it has possessed.
Dale would never have gotten Teri to sign his expense report if he hadn't brought Lisa along as his Bitchorcist
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Noun: The loose, fatty tissue that dangles and shakes from an overweight female teacher's upper arm when she writes on a blackboard
I totally lost track of the theorem because I was so mesmerized by Mrs. Pack's flubble. Christ, can't someone please send her a note telling her to stop wearing sleeveless dresses?
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Noun - fear of accidentally seeing male nudity in a movie or on TV. A one-word explanation for the otherwise inexplicable male affinity for lesbian love scenes.
Dave's Manassophobia had taught him to approach Game of Thrones with a wary eye. He only watched it on DVR, with an alert thumb on the fast forward button.