A very famous German Submachine gun from the Second World War that was mistakenly called the schmeisser because of a famous weapons designer.
It has a 30 round mag and is a typical âbad guyâ weapon as itâs colored black-ish and looks really bad ass
MP-40 is a shortage for Maschinenpistole 40 which is loosely translated into Machine pistol or gun
Norwegian for Uncle Scrooge. Scrooge Mc Duck.
Used to call greedy people or somebody unwilling to share
Me: Can I taste?
Him: No itâs mine!
Me: Cmon Scrooge!
Him: Humbug!
Meg: Kan jeg få smake?
Skrue: Nei den er min!
Meg: Kom igjen da onkel skrue
Skrue: tullball