something that happens when the class gets so noisy the teacher deletes the kahoot quiz.
Teacher: RGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Student 1: Oh no, the teacher's going to do the kaboom kahoot!
Student 2: You mean the kahoot kaboom!
Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Confused
perplexingly baffling confused
Typically just a online quiz with music and other stuff, but most classes get way too excited when they have a Kahoot quiz, or even when the a snake in the grass says reluctantly: "We're having a Kahoot quiz." It's like Kahoot is magic.
Teacher: We're having a Kahoot quiz.
Students: YAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Students: *Still chit-chatting*
Teacher: Sit down, if not you won't have Kahoot anymore.
-Students rush back to seats immediately-
Oh wow you just have beaten the craziness of a lunatic. I mean, how did you even get the idea of searching this one letter up?!!?
(better not search B or C or D or any other letter, one is already more than enough)
something only an idiot would say.
Guy 1: pee on my head if you want
Guy 2: *vomits blood*