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A gun of legends among CS:GO players. (Aside from the AWP)

Guy 1: “Yo rush B, they’re low on ammo.”
Guy 2: “fuck that, it’s a glock vs a Deagle.”

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns June 16, 2021

Speeding ticket

When you, a retard that can’t just STAY IN THE FUCKING SPEED LIMIT, BECAUSE YOU ARE A RECKLESS AND DESTRUCTIVE DUMBASS, get pulled over for speeding. Dropping a gear and disappearing is also considered evading and eluding arrest; don’t do it. 1; now if you get caught you get punished MORE, dumbass, and 2; you’ll hit something and die for being a retard with a crotch rocket superbike wreck for a brain.

Respectable Sheriff: “Sir, did you even know how fucking fast you were go-“
Recipient of speeding ticket: *Drops a gear and tries to disappear, runs into an F-450, getting his blood and guts dragged across a road after being launched.*
Respectable Sheriff: “Holy shit… I’m just gonna call that one in……”
You can die, dumbass. Hold your horses and be reasonable. Have some fucking patience. Get there early, get there late; doesn’t matter. Just fucking get there and don’t die. It helps.

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns April 23, 2023


Changed is an RPG/Indy “don’t get raped to death by furries” game. As a furry, I can say this with utmost confidence. This game is a goddamn HENTAI GOLDMINE! Looking to make hentai? Search “changed”, and abuse the shit out of your pencil, and then, your dick and/or pussy!

Changed is a furry Indy game made by dragonsnow.

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns September 22, 2021


A weapon for true dog-shit Cold War players for EZ HAHA SO BAD kills.

Guy 1: “hey, what SMG is your favorite to use?”
Guy 2: “the MAC-10!”
Guy 1: *loads illegal 416-C* “you’re a danger to society, and must be fucking GAME-ENDED.”

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns May 30, 2021

1👍 1👎

The chaos legion

A band of tank fish (master of virginity, roblox youtuber.) sponsored toxic fucking legends that give 0 shits about you and will raid your game with no reason to.

A virgin: “Aw fuck. John, the chaos legion raided the game again.”
John, secretly in the chaos legion: “G O O D.”

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns May 30, 2021

22👍 2👎


Getting turned into a cum-colored latex cat girl

“Bruh I got the white latex cat girl again.”
“Shit, that’s a lot of indignity.”

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns September 25, 2021

Illegal as shit

When you don’t pay jack fuck to the IRS for 2 decades. (Said by high boi in his “zootopia in a nutshell” video.)

High boi: “Judy does some quick mafs starting the tax calculation from when he started hustling when he was 12, and finds out just how illegal it is, being *ILLEGAL AS SHIT* and recorded him saying it for good measure.”

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns June 14, 2021