The most amazing human being ever. Kind, super sweet, a gentleman, sexy, talented, and drop-dead gorgeous. You will get lost in his eyes. His smile is contagious and you can't help but blush at the thought of him. He also has a huge cock at at least 9 inches. Trustworthy, the first to apologize, and knows your boundaries. Has a sexy, regal voice that will drive you insane. He's kind to all he meets and will make his girlfriend (assuming he's taken) feel like the most important, beautiful girl in the universe. You will love him forever, and never forget him. He will be the best sex you ever have and that you will miss
Girl 1: Hey! Have you talked to Jacob lately?
Girl 2: well not talk, but my legs still hurts
Jacob: Hey, how are you?
Girl 1 and 2:jswarfkygulutdstukgu
He has the big bi. But is cool he also sucks in smash and gets beaten by Jacob. So sad
Person 1. Why are you playing king DDD
Person 2. I want to be a ludvik