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fell out

1. verb (past tense) To have become completely hysterical with laughter.

When we saw Saddam with that trucker ass beard with 19 species of fleas and shit in it, me and my Grandma fell out.

by The governor June 3, 2004

132πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


Term used in solemn, resigned existential angst by a man or woman to describe something that was so horrible and painful that they couldn't possibly stand to relive it.

Wife- "Hi honey, how was work?"
Husband- "Oh, it was average."

by The governor July 23, 2004

19πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Mookie monster

A female who is so visually scary and disgusting

Bruh did u see jaydn. Yeah bro she a motherfucking mookie monster

by The governor August 3, 2021


1. verb The withering of a body part that takes place due to extremes in temperature or lifestyle.

When Joe fell through the ice, I couldn't even save his sorry ass cause I fell out so hard at how his nuts McClanahaned.

by The governor June 3, 2004

9πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

math goggles

1. noun. When an asian dude puts his balls over your eyes. Done typically to humiliate and confuse dim witted lovers.

Chow really gaffled Cindy when he hit her with the math goggles. She was picking pubic hair out her eyes for a week!

by The governor June 3, 2004

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


When you have sex with another mans girl

Cole boomed chases girl last night bro

by The governor August 3, 2021


1. verb To ingest in excessive quantity and/or with excessive speed.
2. noun A relative, friend, or lover (especially a lover) who is known to decimate your supply of something precious (i.e. drugs or money).

1. What the fuck, Ben? We only made that salsa 20 minutes ago and you already vacuumed it all up!
2. You better believe I keep Cara in check about my tabs, cause homegirl is a vacuum.

by The governor June 4, 2004

11πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž